And I have hypermobile hands. I’ve also been a hand therapist for 7 years.
After having my first child, I was using my hands in ways I’ve never used them to care for her. And my hands REALLY hurt. Like taking my 9-month-old daughter out for an hour-long walk, holding her, and thinking I had broken my thumb that night kind of pain.
That night, I ordered kinesiotape. And that helped. Briefly. But the pain kept coming back. I then went down the rabbit hole of trying braces that actually let me USE my hands and taping up my hands in all sorts of ways.
I started integrating ‘gadgets’ into my life that helped take the strain off of my hands. I developed a consistent and fun hand exercise routine. I tracked my pain and found my triggers, modifying my favorite activities so I could do them without having a pain flare.
I feel lucky that I’m an occupational therapist with a hand specialty. And yet, I STILL had to do a ton of trial and error to figure out how to tame my hypermobile hands to stop the pain.
And now, it’s my mission to help you skip the hand -pain time- and- money- drain by skipping to clear solutions and giving you a sense of community – getting you back to doing the things that light you up.